William W. Cohen's Papers: Learning in Graphs

  1. Wenhu Chen, William W. Cohen, Michiel De Jong, Nitish Gupta, Alessandro Presta, Pat Verga, John Wieting (2023): QA Is the New KR: Question-Answer Pairs as Knowledge Bases in AAAI-2023.
  2. William W. Cohen, Fan Yang, and Kathryn Rivard Mazaitis (2020): TensorLog: A Probabilistic Database Implemented Using Deep-Learning Infrastructure in JAIR.
  3. William W. Cohen, Haitian Sun, Alex Hofer, Matthew Siegler (2019): Differentiable Representations For Multihop Inference Rules in arxiv.
  4. William W. Cohen, Matthew Siegler, Alex Hofer (2019): Neural Query Language: A Knowledge Base Query Language for Tensorflow in arxiv.
  5. Haitian Sun, Tania Bedrax-Weiss, William W. Cohen (2019): PullNet: Open Domain Question Answering with Iterative Retrieval on Knowledge Bases and Text in EMNLP-2019.
  6. Haitian Sun, William W. Cohen, Lidong Bing (2018): Semi-Supervised Learning with Declaratively Specified Entropy Constraints in NIPS-2018.
  7. Zhilin Yang, Jake (Junbo) Zhao, Bhuwan Dhingra, Kaiming He, William W. Cohen, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Yann LeCun (2018): GLoMo: Unsupervisedly Learned Relational Graphs as Transferable Representations in NIPS-2018.
  8. Haitian Sun, Bhuwan Dhingra, Manzil Zaheer, Kathryn Mazaitis, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and William W. Cohen (2018): Open Domain Question Answering Using Early Fusion of Knowledge Bases and Text in EMNLP-2018.
  9. Bhuwan Dhingra, Qiao Jin, Zhilin Yang, William W. Cohen, Ruslan Salakhutdinov (2018): Neural Models for Reasoning over Multiple Mentions using Coreference in NAACL-2018.
  10. Fan Yang, Zhilin Yang, William W. Cohen (2017): Differentiable Learning of Logical Rules for Knowledge Base Reasoning in NIPS-2017.
  11. Zihang Dai, Zhilin Yang, William W. Cohen, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov (2017): Good Semi-supervised Learning that Requires a Bad GAN in NIPS-2017.
  12. William W. Cohen and Fan Yang (2017): TensorLog: Deep Learning Meets Probabilistic Databases in arxiv.org 1707.05390.
  13. Bhuwan Dhingra, Zhilin Yang, William W. Cohen, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov (2017): Linguistic Knowledge as Memory for Recurrent Neural Networks in arxiv 1703.02620.
  14. William W. Cohen (2016): TensorLog: A Differentiable Deductive Database in arxiv.org 1605.06523.
  15. Douglas R. Pierce, David P. Redlawsk, and William W. Cohen (2016): Social Influences on Online Political Information Search and Evaluation in Political Behavior DOI 10.1007/s11109-016-9374-4.
  16. Zhilin Yang, Jei Tang, and William W. Cohen (2016): Multi-Modal Bayesian Embeddings for Learning Social Knowledge Graphs in IJCAI-2016.
  17. Lidong Bing, Mingyang Ling, Richard C. Wang, William W. Cohen (2016): Distant IE by Bootstrapping Using Lists and Document Structure in AAAI-2016.
  18. Bhavana Dalvi and Aditya Mishra and William W. Cohen (2016): Hierarchical Semi-supervised Classification with Incomplete Class Hierarchies in WSDM-2016.
  19. Jay Pujara, Hui Miao, Lise Getoor, and William W. Cohen (2015): Using semantics and statistics to turn data into knowledge in AI Magazine 2015.
  20. Lidong Bing, Sneha Chaudhari, Richard C. Wang, and William W. Cohen (2015): Improving Distant Supervision for Information Extraction Using Label Propagation Through Lists in EMNLP-2015.
  21. Ramnath Balasubramanyan and William W. Cohen (2014): Block-LDA: Jointly Modeling Entity-Annotated Text and Entity-Entity Links in Handbook of Mixed Membership Models and Their Applications.
  22. Partha Pratim Talukdar and William W. Cohen (2014): Scaling Graph-based Semi Supervised Learning to Large Number of Labels Using Count-Min Sketch in AI-Stats 2014.
  23. Frank Lin and William W. Cohen (2012): A General and Scalable Approach to Mixed Membership Clustering in ICDM-2012.
  24. Ramnath Balasubramanyan and William W. Cohen (2012): Entropic Regularization of Mixed-membership Network Models using Pseudo-observations in MLG-2012.
  25. Ramnath Balasubramanyan, Kathryn Rivard, William W. Cohen, Jelena Jakovljevic and John Woolford (2012): Evaluating Joint Modeling of Yeast Biology Literature and Protein-Protein Interaction Networks in BioNLP-2012.
  26. Ni Lao, Tom Mitchell, and William W. Cohen (2011): Random Walk Inference and Learning in A Large Scale Knowledge Base in EMNLP-2011.
  27. Frank Lin and William W. Cohen (2011): Adaptation of Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Methods to Large-Scale Text Data in MLG-2011.
  28. Ramnath Balasubramanyan and William W. Cohen (2011): Block-LDA: Jointly modeling entity-annotated text and entity-entity links in SDM-2011.
  29. Ramnath Balasubramanyan, Frank Lin, and William W. Cohen (2010): Node Clustering in Graphs: An Empirical Study in NIPS-2010 Workshop on Networks Across Disciplines.
  30. Philip Stutz, Abraham Bernstein and William W. Cohen (2010): Signal/Collect: Graph Algorithms for the (Semantic) Web in ISWC-2010.
  31. Einat Minkov and William W. Cohen (2010): Improving Graph-Walk Based Similarity with Reranking: Case Studies for Personal Information Management in TOIS-2010.
  32. Ni Lao and William W. Cohen (2010): Relational Retrieval Using a Combination of Path-Constrained Random Walks in ECML-2010 and MLJ-2010 Special Issue.
  33. Frank Lin and William W. Cohen (2010): Semi-Supervised Classification of Network Data Using Very Few Labels in ASONAM-2010.
  34. Ramnath Balasubramanyan and William W. Cohen (2010): Block-LDA: Jointly modeling entity-annotated text and entity-entity links in ICML-2010 Workshop on Topic Modeling.
  35. Frank Lin and William W. Cohen (2010): Power Iteration Clustering in ICML-2010.
  36. Frank Lin and William W. Cohen (2010): A Very Fast Method for Clustering Big Text Datasets in ECAI-2010.
  37. Ni Lao and William W. Cohen (2010): Fast Query Execution for Retrieval Models based on Path Constrained Random Walks in KDD-2010.
  38. William Cohen (2009): Graph Walks and Graphical Models in SCS Technical Report Collection.
  39. Ramnath Balasubramanyan, Frank Lin, William W. Cohen, Noah A. Smith, and Matthew Hurst (2009): From Episodes to Sagas: Understanding the News by Identifying Temporally Related Story Sequences in ICWSM-2009 (poster).
  40. Andrew Arnold and William W. Cohen (2009): Information Extraction as Link Prediction: Using Curated Citation Networks to Improve Gene Detection in WASA-2009.
  41. Andrew Arnold and William W. Cohen (2009): Information Extraction as Link Prediction: Using Curated Citation Networks to Improve Gene Detection in ICWSM-2009 (poster).
  42. Einat Minkov and William W. Cohen (2008): Learning Graph Walk Based Similarity Measures for Parsed Text in EMNLP-2008.
  43. Einat Minkov, Ramnath Balasubramanyan, and William W. Cohen (2008): Activity-centric Search in Email in AAAI-2008 Workshop on Enhanced Messaging.
  44. Einat Minkov and William W. Cohen (2008): Learning to Walk Structured Text Networks in CMU SCS Technical Report Series (CMU-LTI-08-02).
  45. Ramesh Nallapati, Amr Ahmed, Eric Xing, and William W. Cohen (2008): Joint Latent Topic Models for Text and Citations in KDD-2008.
  46. Ramesh Nallapati and William W. Cohen (2008): Link-PLSA-LDA: A New Unsupervised Model for Topics and Influence of Blogs in ICWSM-2008.
  47. Frank Lin and William W. Cohen (2008): The MultiRank Bootstrap Algorithm: SemiSupervised Political Blog Classification and Ranking Using SemiSupervised Link Classification in ICWSM-2008 (poster).
  48. Frank Lin and William W. Cohen (2008): The MultiRank Bootstrap Algorithm: SemiSupervised Political Blog Classification and Ranking Using SemiSupervised Link Classification in CMU SCS Technical Report Series (CMU-LTI-08-03).
  49. Einat Minkov and William Cohen (2007): Learning to Rank Typed Graph Walks: Local and Global Approaches in WebKDD-2007.
  50. Vitor Carvalho, Wen Wu and William Cohen (2007): Discovering Leadership Roles in Email Workgroups in CEAS-2007.
  51. Zhenzhen Kou, Vitor Carvalho and William Cohen (2007): Online Stacked Graphical Learning in NIPS-07 Workshop on Efficient Machine Learning .
  52. Zhenzhen Kou and William W. Cohen (2007): Stacked Graphical Models for Efficient Inference in Markov Random Fields in SDM-2007.
  53. Zhenzhen Kou, William W. Cohen, and Robert F. Murphy (2007): A Stacked Graphical Model for Associating Information from Text And Images In Figures in PSB-2007.
  54. Einat Minkov and William W. Cohen (2006): An Email and Meeting Assistant using Graph Walks in CEAS-2006.
  55. Einat Minkov, Andrew Ng and William W. Cohen (2006): Contextual Search and Name Disambiguation in Email using Graphs in SIGIR-2006.
  56. William W. Cohen (2006): A Graph-Search Framework for GeneId Ranking (Extended Abstract) in BioNLP'06.
  57. William W. Cohen & Einat Minkov (2006): A Graph-Search Framework for Associating Gene Identifiers with Documents in BMC Bioinformatics.
  58. William W. Cohen (2003): Learning and Discovering Structure in Web Pages in IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 26(3): 3-10 (2003).
  59. William W. Cohen, Andrew McCallum, Dallan Quass (2000): Learning to Understand the Web in IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 23(3): 17-24 (2000).
  60. William W. Cohen (1998): The WHIRL Approach to Information Integration in IEEE Intelligent Systems, Sept/Oct 1998, pp 20--23.

[Selected papers| By topic: GNAT System| Retrieval Augmented LMs| Applications| Collaborative Filtering| Intelligent Tutoring| Explanation-Based Learning| Formal Results| Learning in Graphs| Inductive Logic Programming| Neural Knowledge Representation| Topic Modeling| Matching/Data Integration| Deep Learning| Prediction-powered inference| Rule Learning| Text Categorization| Info Extraction/Reading/QA| By year: All papers]