William W. Cohen's Papers: Rule Learning

  1. Ni Lao, Einat Minkov, and William W. Cohen (2015): Learning Relational Features with Backward Random Walks in ACL-2015.
  2. William Yang Wang, Kathryn Mazaitis, and William W. Cohen (2015): Joint Information Extraction and Reasoning: A Scalable Statistical Relational Learning Approach in ACL-2015.
  3. William Yang Wang, Kathryn Mazaitis, and William W. Cohen (2014): Structure Learning via Parameter Learning in CIKM-2014.
  4. William W. Cohen, Matthew Hurst & Lee S. Jensen (2003): A Flexible Learning System for Wrapping Tables and Lists in HTML Documents in Web Document Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities, ed. Antonacopoulos & Hu, Word Scientific Publishing.
  5. William W. Cohen, Matthew Hurst & Lee S. Jensen (2002): A Flexible Learning System for Wrapping Tables and Lists in HTML Documents in WWW 2002: 232-241.
  6. William W. Cohen and Yoram Singer (1999): Simple, Fast, and Effective Rule Learner in AAAI/IAAI 1999: 335-342.
  7. William W. Cohen & Yoram Singer (1999): Context-sensitive learning methods for text categorization in ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 17(2): 141-173 (1999).
  8. Chumki Basu, Haym Hirsh, William W. Cohen (1998): Recommendation as Classification: Using Social and Content-Based Information in Recommendation. in AAAI/IAAI 1998: 714-720.
  9. William W. Cohen and Daniel Kudenko (1997): Transferring and Retraining Learned Information Filters in AAAI/IAAI 1997: 583-590.
  10. William W. Cohen (1996): Learning Trees and Rules with Set-valued Features in AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 709-716.
  11. William W. Cohen (1996): Learning Rules that Classify E-Mail in AAAI Spring Symposium on ML and IR 1996.
  12. William W. Cohen and Yoram Singer (1996): Learning to Query the Web in AAAI Workshop on Internet-Based Information Access Systems 1996.
  13. William W. Cohen and Yoram Singer (1996): Context-sensitive learning methods for text categorization in SIGIR 1996: 307-315.
  14. William W. Cohen (1995): Fast effective rule induction in ICML 1995: 115-123.
  15. William W. Cohen (1993): Efficient pruning methods for separate-and-conquer rule learning systems in IJCAI 1993: 988-994.

[Selected papers| By topic: GNAT System| Retrieval Augmented LMs| Applications| Collaborative Filtering| Intelligent Tutoring| Explanation-Based Learning| Formal Results| Learning in Graphs| Inductive Logic Programming| Neural Knowledge Representation| Topic Modeling| Matching/Data Integration| Deep Learning| Prediction-powered inference| Rule Learning| Text Categorization| Info Extraction/Reading/QA| By year: All papers]