William W. Cohen's Papers: Formal Results

  1. William Cohen (2009): Graph Walks and Graphical Models in SCS Technical Report Collection.
  2. William W. Cohen, Matthew Hurst & Lee S. Jensen (2003): A Flexible Learning System for Wrapping Tables and Lists in HTML Documents in Web Document Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities, ed. Antonacopoulos & Hu, Word Scientific Publishing.
  3. William W. Cohen, Matthew Hurst & Lee S. Jensen (2002): A Flexible Learning System for Wrapping Tables and Lists in HTML Documents in WWW 2002: 232-241.
  4. William W. Cohen, David McAllester, and Henry Kautz (2000): Hardening Soft Information Sources in KDD 2000: 255-259.
  5. William W. Cohen (1998): Hardness Results for Learning First-Order Representations and Programming by Demonstration in Machine Learning 30(1): 57-87 (1998).
  6. William W. Cohen (1996): The Dual DFA Learning Problem: Hardness Results for Programming by Demonstration and Learning First-Order Representations (Extended Abstract) in COLT 1996: 29-40.
  7. William W. Cohen (1995): Pac-learning non-recursive prolog clauses in Artif. Intell. 79(1): 1-38 (1995).
  8. William W. Cohen and C. David Page Jr (1995): Polynomial learnability and inductive logic programming: Methods and results in New Generation Comput. 13(3&4): 369-409 (1995).
  9. William W. Cohen (1995): Pac-learning recursive logic programs: Efficient algorithms in J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 2: 501-539 (1995).
  10. William W. Cohen (1995): Pac-learning recursive logic programs: Negative results in J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 2: 541-573 (1995).
  11. William W. Cohen (1994): Pac-learning nondeterminate Clauses in AAAI 1994: 676-681.
  12. L. Thorn McCarty and William W. Cohen (1994): The case for explicit exceptions in Methods of Logic in Computer Science, 1(1).
  13. William W. Cohen and Haym Hirsh (1994): Learning the CLASSIC description logic: Theoretical and experimental results in KR 1994: 121-133.
  14. William W. Cohen and Haym Hirsh (1994): Learnability of description logics with equality constraints in Machine Learning 17(2-3): 169-199 (1994).
  15. William W. Cohen (1994): Recovering Software Specifications with Inductive Logic Programming in AAAI 1994: 142-148.
  16. William W. Cohen, Russell Greiner, and Dale Schuurmans (1994): Probabilistic hill-climbing in Computational learning theory and natural learning systems (Volume II), MIT Press..
  17. William W. Cohen (1994): Incremental abductive EBL in Machine Learning 15(1): 5-24 (1994).
  18. William W. Cohen (1993): Cryptographic limitations on learning one-clause logic programs in AAAI 1993: 80-85.
  19. William W. Cohen (1993): Pac-learning a restricted class of recursive logic programs in AAAI 1993: 86-92.
  20. William W. Cohen and Haym Hirsh (1992): Learnability of Description Logics in COLT 1992: 116-127.
  21. William W. Cohen, Alex Borgida, and Haym Hirsh (1992): Computing least common subsumers in description logics in AAAI 1992: 754-760.
  22. William W. Cohen (1992): Using distribution-free learning theory to analyze solution path caching mechanisms in Computational Intelligence 8: 336-375 (1992).
  23. William W. Cohen (1993): Learnability of Restricted Logic Programs in Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP-93).

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